Careers at ParrotOS

Parrot Security (ParrotOS) is a 10 years old Free and Open source GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian Stable. The system is designed to be familiar for the security expert and easy to use for the new entry student. To date, the operating system has more than 400.000 active users.

Perks of working for an Open Source Project

Meet new people
you will be able to meet and work with a lot of developers like you, who are in love with the world of open-source projects. This will give you the chance to grow your skills and explore different mind-set around the cybersecurity world.
Learn and teach new things
the first rule that we want you to follow is "never get stuck on what you already know", if you start work on an open-source project you can learn a lot of new things or, in the other way, you'll get the chance to teach new things to other people (this will boost your confidence a lot, trust us);
Make your work worth it
you will get the chance to work in one of the biggest cybersec companies (Hack The Box) and see the results of your work on a grand scale since their platform counts over 1.0m members.

Open positions

Web Developer

Contribute to the Parrot Project

ParrotOS was born as a fully open source project, anyone can see what is inside.
The platform where the source code of the parrot packages is hosted. Join it to contribute to our source code and improve the system.